Writing on Food. How to publish in high impact factor journals: the keys to success, with daily writing exercises
Writing on Food – How to publish in high-impact factor journals: the keys to success” will furnish the skills necessary for writing a publishable scientific article in the field of food science. The course will thus contribute to the formation of professionals capable of designing and writing, in proper scientific English, a paper of interest for a broad scientific audience in international, high-impact factor, peer-reviewed food science journals. By the end of the seminar students will have acquired the tools for writing the effective manuscript, and much of the course will be devoted to practical writing sessions with individual attention from instructors. Attention will likewise be given to the research skills necessary to produce an effective bibliography.
Starting date: Oct 24, 2016
Finishing date: Oct 28, 2016
Call deadline: Oct 03, 2016
Number of participants: Min. 15 - Max. 20
Duration: 5 days
Credits: 4
Language: English