Seventh European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research.11 - 14 September 2016 | Dijon, France
INRA (French Institute for Agronomical Research), SFAS (French Society of Sensory Analysis) and E3S (European Sensory Science Society) have the great pleasure to invite you to the 7th European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research “A Sense of Time”.
EuroSense is a very successful event gathering approximately 600 people involved in sensory and consumer research worldwide both in academics and in industry.
The topic of the 2016 conference is “A Sense of Time”… time of maturity, time for innovation, time as a measurement tool or time as an object of perception… no doubt that time can be of interest to the sensory community!
Our aim is to build a scientific programme reviewing the latest knowledge, but also open to inspiring new ideas in both fundamental and applied research, as well as on methodological and technological developments.